
Delivering value through process automation

Sample Business Process


Significant specializes in delivering value through process automation. To this end, Significant has built N3ST - a secure and light weight process engine.

N3ST is uniquely positioned for building and hosting of digital assembly lines for production of digital products fast (short onboarding time) and secure (with the desired security requirements).

Digital Supply chain
Digital Supply Chain - N3ST as a digital factory
Digital Supply Chain
N3ST as a digital processing factory - N3ST retrieves raw material from a digital warehouse, produces the products and stores produced products back to the warehouse.
business processes anskaffelser
Fit for N3ST quadrant & N3ST Ref.


Significant offers 3 types of fully managed & custom assembly lines as a service:

Decision support system
Good for inspection/evaluation of simple products & services
Evaluation support system
Good for inspection/evaluation of complex (multidimensional) products & services
Straight-through Processing
Good for integration of multiple systems

Assembly lines

Decision Framework

A generic decision process, suited for inspection of simple products and services. Example produkt

Evaluation Framework

A generic evaluation process suited for evaluation of complex (multidimensional) products and services. Example produkt

Straight-through Processing

Example STP - Retrieves data from upstream sources (registries), produces a document and stores it to destination (registry) for storage. No operator needed.

Use Cases

Decision Framework & Evaluation Framework

DF_EF_Quadrant Significant's corner
Use cases for Decision Framework & Evaluation Framework. Significant does B2B

Straight-through Processing

IT systems flows
This approach of centralizing and capturing all processing logic in one or more business process(es), results in a more maintainable IT-systems. Since processing logic is removed from both registries and business support systems (frontend applications).


Onboarding of a new business process into N3ST involves design, development and testing, all of which are hard to estimate. Thus, Significant does NOT charge customers for onboarding of a new business process.

Significant invoices customers only after the VALUE is delivered.

Decision Framework
Domain customization required. Requires domain expert to capture the essens of the domain in question - identifying stakeholders & quality creterias.
Inspector/evaluator (Operator) must be added.
NO development required.
Evaluation Framework
Field customization (n domain custumization) required. Requires multiple domain experts to capture the essens of the field in question - for each domain in the field, identifying stakeholders and quality creterias.
Evaluators (Operators) must be added.
NO development required.
Integration development required. However, since a lot of common functionalities are build into the N3ST platform, the development time is short. See Onboarding diagram for more details.
NO customer operator required.
Assembly lines
Business processes at N3ST - Onboarding is highly dependent on type of process/delivery
Onboarding process - Onboarding/development of a new business process cannot be carried out without working closely (collaborating) with the customer's solution architects, domain experts and system operators.


Significant charges customers based on the number of items processed (produced).

Unit price is subject for negotiation. Key variables determining unit price are 1. order size (quantity) and 2. how resource intensive are the processing.

Example invoice


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Delivering value through process automation.

Design NO